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Sábado 16 de Noviembre, 2024

precio: 120€ + iva

Hotel H10 Rambla, Barcelona
de 16:00 a 20:00
Mesa de conferencias

Workshop de Transformación Personal: Definiendo tu nueva Identidad

El workshop El Poder de la Transformación Personal te brinda las herramientas para diseñar una nueva versión de ti mismo, alineada con tus sueños y metas. A través de un enfoque estructurado y profundo, te guiaremos hacia una transformación real que impactará todos los aspectos de tu vida. En solo 4 horas, obtendrás claridad sobre quién eres y hacia dónde quieres ir, con ejercicios prácticos que te permitirán dar los primeros pasos hacia tu nueva identidad.

Transformación Personal

Adopta una nueva identidad para desbloquear tu potencial y llevarte al siguiente nivel de éxito personal y profesional.

Qué obtendrás en el Workshop

Define con claridad tu nueva identidad personal y profesional.

Add paragraph text. Click “Edit Text” to update the font, size and more. To change and reuse text themes, go to Site Styles.

Crea un manifiesto y un vision board que te guiarán hacia tus metas.

Add paragraph text. Click “Edit Text” to update the font, size and more. To change and reuse text themes, go to Site Styles.

Obten herramientas para conectar emocionalmente con tu nueva versión.

Add paragraph text. Click “Edit Text” to update the font, size and more. To change and reuse text themes, go to Site Styles.


  • Duración: 4 horas, con un descanso de 20 minutos.

  • Horario: Sábado de 16:00 - 20:00.

  • Formato: Presencial o en línea vía Zoom.

  • Lugar presencial: Salón de conferencias en el hotel [nombre del hotel], catering incluido.

Módulo 1: Autoconocimiento

Describe the item here. Include important features, pricing and other relevant info.

Módulo 2: Definición

Describe the item here. Include important features, pricing and other relevant info.

Módulo 3: Reprogramación de patrones

Describe the item here. Include important features, pricing and other relevant info.

Módulo 4: Manifiesto Personal e Iniciación

Describe the item here. Include important features, pricing and other relevant info.


Antonio C.

Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services.

Victor B.

Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services.

Miguel Ángel C.

Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services.

A quién va dirigido

This is the space to introduce visitors to the business or brand. Briefly explain who's behind it, what it does and what makes it unique. Share its core values and what this site has to offer.


This is the space to describe the service and explain how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description that includes relevant details, like pricing, duration, location and how to book the service.


This is the space to describe the service and explain how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description that includes relevant details, like pricing, duration, location and how to book the service.

Creadores, Artistas, Personas públicas

This is the space to describe the service and explain how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description that includes relevant details, like pricing, duration, location and how to book the service.

Personas que quieren mejorar su carisma y sus relaciones

This is the space to describe the service and explain how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description that includes relevant details, like pricing, duration, location and how to book the service.


¿Dónde se realizará el workshop?

This is a paragraph area where you can include any information you’d like. It’s an opportunity to tell a story about the business or describe a special service or product it offers. You can use this space to share the company history or highlight a particular feature that sets it apart from competitors.

¿Quién es el instructor?

This is a paragraph area where you can include any information you’d like. It’s an opportunity to tell a story about the business or describe a special service or product it offers. You can use this space to share the company history or highlight a particular feature that sets it apart from competitors.

¿Cuál es la política de reembolso?

This is a paragraph area where you can include any information you’d like. It’s an opportunity to tell a story about the business or describe a special service or product it offers. You can use this space to share the company history or highlight a particular feature that sets it apart from competitors.

Tu instructor

Alejandro Alonso

  • Instagram
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  • Coach ICF

  • Ingeniero, MBA, Project Manager PMP

  • 15 años en entornos corporativos

  • 7 años en puestos de dirección

  • CEO y fundador de

  • fundador de 5 empresas de éxito 

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